(©Faelend 2016)
My heart tells me I must not love you,
but like a brother, or like a friend.
But my desire like dragon's fire,
fiercer and higher, is stronger than fate.
fiercer and higher, is stronger than fate.
My heart tells me I dare not leave you,
an echo from memory, a light in the dark.
All past is fled, no future calling,
and only your hand is holding me tight.
Keeps me from falling, holding me tight.
Gúren bêd enni (My heart tells me)
ú-boe annad veleth (i must not give love)
ae i-amlug iaur gâr i-fae nin (when the old dragon is keeping my spirit)
My heart tells me, I must not bind you
to names forgotten, to words untold.
Like tears unnumbered the waters are falling
falling and whirling, into the night.
Never returning into the night.
Into the shadows, into the night.
Into the shadows,
into the night.