This website is a reincarnation of an earlier version of the Tolkien Music List, created, designed and hosted by Morgueldar Dragonseye (AKA Janis Balodis, owner of Elven Witchcraft, a Latvian-based distribution label devoted to fantasy-themed music). From 1997 through 2002, the Tolkien Music List existed as a subsidiary of the Elven Witchcraft homepage. We wish to acknowledge Morgueldar for his long-standing dedication, enthusiam and web-expertise which have helped make this discography what it is today.

Modifications to Morgueldar's original design were implemented by our new host, WebPerception.

I don't recall when I first began collecting Tolkien-inspired music, but I have been assisted along the way by more people than could easily be listed here. In particular I want to thank those musicians who have graciously sent me promotional or review copies of their recordings, and all who have contributed song lyrics and other information without which I would never have been able to assemble so vast a database.


Chris Seeman
owner and discographer