(©Lammoth 2006)
On the prow he stands
Gazing through the dark
Searching for sign of land afar
Restless is his heart
Feels something is wrong
Somehow to dirge turns every song
Single light appears
Coming near and near
Tidings of woe to him reveals
Master of the seas
Bright eyed mariner
He knows no defeat
Hope for elves and men
He holds in his hands
Gone are years we're damned
Turns his back on home
Counts his sons for dead
Silmaril shines on his forehead
Westward evermore
He is bound to sail
Break through the spell find long lost way
Cast the anchor down
Pass the silent town
Finally Valinor was found
Master of the seas
Bright eyed mariner
He knows no defeat
Hope for elves and men
He holds in his hands
Gone are years we're damned
Fulfilled are Fëanor's words
"Písen mela celkem 3 texty a všechny byly o mori. Ten finální je o Eärendilove hledání zeme Valinor a o uzavrení jedné kapitoly dejin Stredozeme a otevrení nové. Za vším stojí Pavel s Filipem, kterí nad sklenkou penivého moku vymysleli, že by bylo fajn udelat rozsáhlý Tolkienovský epos, který by sestával z mnoha písní a tvoril by se pomalu, ale jiste, jak se nám to bude hodit. A tak jsem zapremýšlel a jak je již z názvu patrno, los padl na Pád Númenoru. Toto je tedy první cást o Eärendilovi a jeho hledání Valinoru. Eärendil sice prímo nepatrí do Númenoru, ale nebýt jeho, nebyl by ani Númenor."